Autumn & winter 2024: South Africa

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Region in focus: South Africa
General validity period: end of Mar 2024 to end of Sep 2024
Season published: Southern Hemisphere Autumn (end of Mar 2024 to end of Jun 2024)
- Highly likely accident on a long route, i.e. plane or ship. The probability looks higher to be that of a ship, maybe a cruise line, carrying tourists. It could catch fire. This may cause several deaths.
The cruise season in South Africa is finishing, though, but there may still be one or two cruises left. I would not advise anyone to take them, especially if their dates fall around 4-5 April (see the third point). Hopefully, someone in South Africa is reading this and is warned.
- Death of someone in the knowledge world (i.e. religious, scholarly, legal or scientific) is possible. This person may also be rich.
- Possible critical dates for the above two points: around 4-5 Apr, 20 Apr 2024
- The currently ruling party to fare badly in the upcoming general elections. A coalition government is likely after the elections. It does not look likely that the present ruler would be able to retain power after these elections. If some party other than the ruling party is playing populist politics, they may do well in the elections.
- Business may prosper, but there could be some debate in the parliament or controversy in the newspapers about regulations related to business or the country's resources. This may be an important topic in the elections themselves.
- Some case or crime against or involving a woman or young person (or several women or young persons) may happen and generate talk in the country.
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