Year 2024-25: the year gone by

Yesterday, on March 20, 2025, the year 2024-25 ended, and a new year, 2025-26, began. (My dates are always with reference to the centre of the world, Giza in Egypt, unless specified otherwise.)
Just a bit more than a year back, I started this website, dedicated to mundane astrological predictions. I had determined to publish predictions in advance for different regions of the world, not to touch them once published, and thus avoid any after-the-fact "predictions." I did not know what would happen; I was throwing myself out there in the open, open to ridicule and censure, if what I were to predict did not happen. But I believe such timidity is the bane of astrologers, who often lurch between not saying enough and saying too much (panic-mongering). It is the right balance that one needs and that is lacking. So I started this. And I was amazed!
There's a list I have kept of those predictions that turned out right in 2024-25. It is not an exhaustive list, but it still contains 100 predictions that turned out right! That's a nice, round number. I am particularly proud of a few of them. Like the South Korea martial law events or the ordinary performance of India's ruling party BJP in national elections: at the time I had published these, they were completely unanticipated by anyone. When it comes to national elections, in fact, so far I have never been wrong: in the past year, I called correctly national elections in United States Germany, Japan, India, France, United Kingdom, South Korea, and South Africa, local elections in Turkey and Delhi (India), and the fall of the governments of Jonas Gahr Støre (Norway), Justin Trudea (Canada) and Gabriel Attal (France).
It is important to note here that I do not get everything right. There are predictions that do not turn out right, and if I were to make a list of them, they would also number a hundred, or maybe even more! So do not give me more credit than a moderate amount of it. I am sure while some part of it is because of astrology's nature itself, much of it is because of my humble abilities as an astrologer, which, though, I continue to refine as much as possible, for it brings credit to astrology, much maligned as a "pseudo-science," if astrologers could air their predictions in a timely manner.
That is why it is also important that the media covers them, in order that astrology can be taken a bit more seriously. In the last year, I or my work was featured in The Economic Times, New York Post, Daily Star and Country Living, and I am happy to get this attention, as it means more people can understand that world events can be predicted through astrology. Many people connect astrology to Sun Sign horoscopes, which I consider practically a fraud, and, at the most, to personal destinies, but not a lot of people think or know that astrology can predict world events and even weather and earthquakes. Such media attention brings people to this awareness.
Which brings me to ... weather and earthquakes, work of which I am particularly proud of, especially given that while weather can be predicted by meteorologists 10-15 days in advance, earthquakes cannot be predicted by seismologists at all, not even a few seconds in advance. And yet earthquakes can cause immense damage and tragedy.
Initially, I used to publish weather predictions on my website at, with all the other country predictions. But I later realised that it might be a bit disorienting to some of the readers to read of Israel's military success predictions one day and then the next day read of an earthquake prediction in Tibet. So then I decided to start publishing regular weather and earthquake predictions in another space, at Most of you are familiar with both these spaces.
Over time, I have realised that earthquakes, in particular, are immensely predictable. While I still can't predict all of them, and not all that I predict do happen, yet the success rate of predictions is very high. (For example, there is a continuously updated list of some of the successful weather and earthquake predictions that is maintained here. Again, the list is not exhaustive, as it is not possible for me to know what is happening at each place in the world.) I admit that, to some extent, my attention has shifted a bit more towards quakes and away from weather, because I spend a lot of time on these predictions, given that they cover the whole world and they are for every 8-10-day interval. I focus more on quakes, as no one else is predicting them; weather, at least the meteorologists are there, doing a good job, even if they can only predict up to two weeks in advance and not beyond.
I am grateful to all my readers and subscribers that they support me by reading my work, by finding it of enough value as to subscribe to it, by commenting on it, by sharing it. Mundane astrology is lonely stuff—you are alone with the charts, even if they are telling you quite a story—and every single subscribe or share or comment is very motivational. Thank you!
Year 2025-26 has started, and as my readers would know, I have already published predictions for this year for some countries, or for the spring (and sometimes summer) seasons for some other countries. Predictions for this season or year have been already published for India, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Australia, Iran, Israel, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, United States, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, China and Taiwan. I believe only South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Turkey remain among the countries I regularly cover, and I aim to publish predictions for them in the next couple of days. (I also have the chart for North Korea, but I usually do not look at its chart, as so little news comes out from there, so there is no way for me to corroborate if what I predicted is happening or not.) If you want me to cover some other country, you may send me an email and let me know. I cannot promise that I will be able to do it because of the constraints of time, as covering a new country means studying its history extensively and then match different astrological charts with historical events and thus try to find the "right" chart(s) for that region or country, but I could try to do so, particularly if there is some country which many people want me to cover.
Thank you once again!
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