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Weather watch: 6-21 Jul 2024

Weather watch: 6-21 Jul 2024

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Astrometeorological predictions for Period 6 Jul-14 Jul 2024:

  • Novosibirsk (Russia) and surrounding region (Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk) may see high amount of rain.

Some of the places on the same longitude could also see a good amount of rainfall. They include Eastern Kazakhstan; Eastern Kirgizstan; Aksu-Bayingolin area (China), Ladakh & western Tibet (India/China), western Nepal, Bareilly-Kanpur-Lucknow-Ayodhya-Varanasi region (India), eastern Vidarbha (India), Chhattisgarh-Odisha (India), Andhra coastline (India); most of Sri Lanka, especially the hill region.

  • Some places on the Black Sea coastline, such as areas around around Feodosija (Crimea) and Sinop (Turkey), could see very strong winds.

Some of the places on the same longitude could also be quite windy or breezy, such as regions around Moscow, Belgorod (Russia), Kharkov, Dnipro (Russia/Ukraine), Çorum, Kayseri, Adana (Turkey), Beirut (Lebanon), Jerusalem (Israel), Akaba (Jordan), Keren (Eritrea), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Mombasa (Kenya), Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania), Pemba (Mozambique).

Ships around the Horn of Africa and in particular the Swahili coast should be careful because of possible high winds.
  • Parts of Western Australia, especially the area around Fitzgerald coast, could see a good amount of rain.

Astrometeorological predictions for Period 14 Jul-21 Jul 2024:

  • Most parts of India to receive heavy to very heavy rains during this period: very few dry regions foreseen during this period, so I will not specify all regions.

The rains could be prominent especially in parts of southern India, such as the region of Bengaluru/Nandi Hills. Kerala, too, and the Konkan coastline could receive very heavy rain during this period.

There is a risk of flooding.

Bengal-Odisha-Andhra coastline, too, may receive copious rains.

  • Southern coast of Africa, that is, the region around George/Cape Town, may see rainstorms.
Ships passing through the area should be careful.

The Maputo-Durban coastline area also could see plenty of rains.

  • Parts of New Zealand, especially the South Island, may see quite cold weather. The North Island may see a good amount of rain in this period.
  • Hubei and the surrounding region in China could see rain.
  • East China Sea, especially off the coast of Zhejiang, could see strong winds.
  • South Australia coastline could see storms.
  • The Horn of Africa region and the Somali coast could see high winds and gales.
Ships should again be very careful in this area.
  • The Atlantic Plateau region of the Brazilian Highlands that is, the eastern coastline of Brazil, could also see high winds. Gales possible.
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