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Weather watch: 4-12 Aug 2024, and a possible event for Israel

Weather watch: 4-12 Aug 2024, and a possible event for Israel

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Astrometeorological predictions for the period from around 4 to 12 Aug 2024:

  • The Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman region may see strong precipitation. Oman, Iran, Bahrain, and the UAE are among the countries that could be strongly exposed.
  • There may be fall of structures in the region around Iran-Iraq. Reasons could be natural (e.g., earthquake, landslide) or non-natural.
  • Israel may see windy weather. In addition, it may suffer a strong attack from an enemy. The attack is most likely to come aerially. The society may be under sorrow. High society could be affected.
  • Eastern Mediterranean region could see more than usual rains. Parts of Egypt, Cyprus, parts of Turkey and Greece are among the countries in this region. Eastern Europe, too, could see good rains.
  • It may be quite hot further west in this region, that is, southern Spain, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. In fact, much of western and northern Europe could be sweltering.
  • However, northwestern Europe (Paris-London-Brussels-Amsterdam area) could see strong stormy activity.
  • The region around California may see some respite from heat: rains.
  • The coastline around Maine-Nova Scotia may see strong winds.
  • Some areas of Newfoundland & Labrador may see higher than usual temperatures.
  • The area around Zona da Mata (Brazil) may see higher than usual precipitation.
  • Areas in and around the Zambian Terrain could see stormy activity with rains.
  • Parts of SE Asia such as the Philippines, Indonesia and Brunei and the surrounding region may see stormy activity with rains. Fall of structures is possible (e.g., due to earthquake or landslide). Such weather may extend all the way till parts of northern Australia.
  • Fall of structures is also possible near the 112-113 degrees East longitude. Reasons could be natural (e.g., earthquake, landslide) or non-natural. This possibility is the strongest in China, with the provinces of Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Hubei and Ningxia all close to this longitude.

Note: For some of the events, the time window is broader, between 4 Aug and 3 Sep 2024.

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