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Weather watch: 30 Dec 2024-7 Jan 2025

Weather watch: 30 Dec 2024-7 Jan 2025

Weather Watch posts are always available to all, regardless of your subscription status, as they are published in the public interest, so that mitigation measures can be taken in advance when bad weather or an earthquake is forecast. For regular astrological updates regarding different countries, regions, events and leaders, please consider subscribing here.

Note: Prediction periods are not ON-OFF switches. Thus, if some prediction period starts from, let us say, 15 October, it is not that things cannot happen on 13 or 14 October. You may head to the Terminology page to make sure you understand what I mean when I name some particular city or region in these advance weather warning bulletins.

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Astrometeorological predictions for the period from 30 December 2024 to 7 January 2025:

  • Several parts of New Zealand, especially North Island, could receive strong precipitation accompanied by high winds.
  • Heavy rain likely in Solomon Islands.
  • A major earthquake possible off the coast of New South Wales or Queensland or in the Solomon Sea or Coral Sea.
  • Heavy rain possible on the eastern coast of Australia, especially in the Brisbane to Sydney area.
  • A storm possible in the Timor Sea or Banda Sea region.
  • A major earthquake possible in Taiwan.
  • Earthquake also possible in northeastern China.
  • Extremely bad weather (heavy precipitation accompanied by wind) possible in Yunnan. An earthquake, too, in the wider region is possible.
  • Many parts of Thailand, western Malaysia and Sumatra could see heavy rains. Neighbouring regions of Laos and Myanmar, too, could see strong rains.
  • A major earthquake possible in the region of Tibet-eastern Nepal-Bengal-Bangladesh-Meghalaya-Assam-Bhutan-Arunachal Pradesh.
  • Colder than usual weather likely in Bengal, Bhutan and northeastern India.
  • Heavy rain likely on the western coast of India, notably Maharashtra and Konkan coastline. If this happens, it would be a strange weather phenomenon, as western India is supposed to have a dry season during this time of the year.
  • Extreme heat possible in the Persian Gulf region, especially in western and southern Iran, southeastern Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and parts of Saudi Arabia.
  • The Gulf of Guinea region could receive very heavy rains. The coastline from Gabon to Angola could be particularly affected.
  • Heavy precipitation likely in the Adriatic Sea region, especially the Italian coastline between Ancona and Venice.
  • Much of the upper half of Italy, in fact, could receive high precipitation.
  • The islands of Corsica and Sardinia could receive very heavy precipitation during this period.
  • Many parts of Switzerland and Germany (especially western Germany), mainland France, and Benelux countries may receive copious precipitation. High precipitation with strong winds possible in parts of Occitanie, Andorra and northeastern Spain.
  • Most parts of Spain and Portugal could receive high amount of snow and rain.
  • Brittany and most of UK, especially Wales and southwestern England, could receive high precipitation, too.
  • Most of Ireland could receive significant precipitation during this period.
  • Southeastern Greenland could receive copious snow.
  • Several parts of Brazil may experience quite hot and dry weather.
  • Very heavy rains possible in Panama and Costa Rica. Heavy rains also possible in nearby Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador. Extremely heavy rain possible in Guatemala.
  • Heavy rain in the Gulf of Mexico region. The coastline from Texas till Florida & Georgia could receive quite heavy precipitation. The states of Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee could receive heavy snow or rain.
  • The Midwest region and the Great Lakes area could receive extremely heavy snow.
  • The Mountain West region of the U.S., too, could receive copious precipitation.
  • Arizona and surroundings could see severe snow, probably even a blizzard.
  • The provinces of Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories may receive very heavy snow during this period.
  • Most parts of Alaska, especially the area around Fairbanks, may receive very heavy snow.
  • Heavier than usual precipitation possible in the Andreanof Islands. (Note that this is usually a high-precipitation area throughout the year.)

Note: For those who are new, a non-exhaustive, regularly updated list of my successful weather and earthquake predictions in the past can be found here.

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