Weather watch: 24 Sep-3 Oct 2024

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Note: Prediction periods are not ON-OFF switches. Thus, if some prediction period starts from, let us say, 15 October, it is not that things cannot happen on 13 or 14 October. You may head to the Terminology page to make sure you understand what I mean when I name some particular city or region in these advance weather warning bulletins.
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Astrometeorological predictions for the period from 24 Sep to 3 Oct 2024:
- The western half of India, which includes areas such as Punjab, Delhi and western UP, could see strong precipitation and/or a major storm. This looks a particular danger for the Gujarat/Saurashtra and Maharashtra/Konkan coastline and cities/regions near the coast.
- The Oman Sea region could see strong rains.
- Strong rains in the region around Sichuan, Yunnan. Chongqing, Gansu in China.
- Strong rains also possible in Southeast Asia, especially areas of Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia and Sumatra. Very heavy rain or even a storm possible in or around Singapore.
- Strong precipitation possible on the eastern coast of Australia, especially the Brisbane-Sydney coastline.
- It could be a warmer than usual period in the North Island of New Zealand as well as in Fiji.
- Strong rains possible in the region around Samoa and Cook Islands.
- Fires or drought-like conditions in Western Sahara, Mali, Mauritania, Algeria and/or Morocco.
- Fires could occur in Spain or Portugal. There could be more heat than usual in Morocco, Portugal and the western half of Spain.
- Western Europe could be overall warm and humid during this time. Some places to be drier than usual.
- There may be a rainstorm in the UK or Ireland or by the nearby mainland European coastline.
- Central and Eastern Europe could be colder than what is usual at this time. Austria, Czechia and parts of Poland could be particularly colder than usual or experience strong, chilly blasts of wind.
- Rains by the Brazilian coastline, especially around the eastern tip (Paraíba).
- The Northeast and/or Southeast region in the U.S. could see a good amount of precipitation, and a storm in these areas is possible.
- A strong earthquake possible in the California-Nevada-Baja California-Sonora region.
- The West Coast of the U.S. and neighbouring Vancouver area may see more than usual precipitation.
Note: For those who are new, a non-exhaustive list of my successful predictions in the past, including those related to weather, can be found here.
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