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Weather watch: 2-11 Sep 2024

Weather watch: 2-11 Sep 2024

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Note: Prediction periods are not ON-OFF switches. Thus, if some prediction period starts from, let us say, 15 October, it is not that things cannot happen on 13 or 14 October.

Astrometeorological predictions for the period 2 Sep-11 Sep 2024:

  • There may be heavy rainfall and storms in or around Delhi and other parts of northwestern and northern India, including much of Ladakh and eastern Kashmir. Some of the areas near 77 E longitude could be strongly affected. Cities in India that fall near this longitude, besides Delhi, include Manali, Shimla, Chandigarh, Mathura, Agra, Guna, Bhopal, Amravati, Nanded, Bengaluru, Madurai, Thiruvananthapuram. Some areas of western India, too, could see heavy rains.
  • India may also see political turbulence at the top during this period: it may not be a good period for the country's ruler or ruling dispensation. The states of Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka or Kerala, too, may see political turbulence.
  • Areas around Bihar, Jharkhand, Bengal as well Kathmandu/Eastern Nepal also may see plenty of rains.
  • There may be quite a bit of rain around in many parts of Iran and neighbouring areas of Afghanistan (e.g., Herat) and Pakistan (e.g., Balochistan). The Sea of Oman and countries in this area (Oman, UAE, etc.) may also see rains.
  • The Kashgar and Almaty regions may see strong precipitation.
  • Eastern Australian coast, esp. Queensland & NSW coast, may see more than usual precipitation. The rain may be heavier in the Mackay-to-Brisbane coast area.
  • The area around Perth (WA) may see high winds. However, higher above, the Coral Bay-to-Geraldton coast area may see a storm and rains. Further above, that is, in the northern part of Western Australia, it may again be windy.
  • New Guinea, New Caledonia and/or Vanuatu may see heavy rains. Fiji may receive plenty of rains.
  • Eastern coast of Africa, in particular the Kenya-Tanzania coastline, may see strong winds. The sea around Durban may see a gale, and sailors/fisherfolks should be careful.
  • It may be stormy or quite cold weather around Maine-Nova Scotia area.
  • There may be some higher than usual precipitation in some of the Mountain states of the U.S., esp. in and around Colorado.
  • Rains in Southeast and South Texas, and the neighbouring region of Nuevo León.
  • There could be quite a lot of rain in northwestern Mexico.
  • The West Coast region of the U.S. may see some precipitation, but it may be more windy, overall, than rainy. An occasional squall could be expected. Oregon and Washington states, especially, may see quite windy weather and an accident-prone time, too. (Not just natural accidents, but also accidents of other kinds: transportation, construction, etc.)
  • It may also be an accident-prone time in central and southwestern regions of Brazil: that is, the area from Brasilia to Curitiba, including Sao Paulo and Rio. (Not just natural accidents, but also accidents of other kinds: transportation, construction, etc.) Wind, too, may be at high speeds.
  • The area around Lima (Peru) may see some accident (natural or otherwise) or tragedy happen.

Note: For those who are new, a non-exhaustive list of my successful predictions in the past, including those related to weather, can be found here.

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