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Weather watch: 19-26 Aug 2024

Weather watch: 19-26 Aug 2024

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Astrometeorological predictions for the period 19-26 Aug 2024:

Note: As I have previously warned, this period may see quite extreme weather and natural disasters in various parts of the world.

  • Several parts of India may see stormy or very wet weather. The region around Northeastern India and Eastern Nepal, in particular, may see heavy rain and windy or stormy weather. Eastern UP, Bihar, Bengal, Odisha may also be affected.
  • The eastern half of China may receive heavy rains. Places near 114 E longitude could be the ones most affected. Some prominent places near this line include Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Ganzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Other places outside China near this line include Brunei and the Kalimantan, Bali and East Java Provinces of Indonesia.
    Many other parts of Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, China's Yunnan and Hainan Provinces, northern Thailand, including the tourist hotspot of Chiang Mai) could also experience very heavy rains. Western Australia, too, may experience similar weather.
  • The possibility of a major earthquake near the 10 E longitude continues. Much of Scandinavia may see warmer than usual weather for this time of the year.
  • Regions by the Adriatic Sea (e.g., Pescara, Bari, Split) could see rough or very wet weather.
  • The region around Panama-Colombia-Ecuador-Lima (Peru) may receive extremely heavy rain.
  • The East Coast of the U.S., in particular the Northeast region, may experience very heavy precipitation.
  • The San Francisco area may see an earthquake.
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