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Weather watch: 17-25 Sep 2024

Weather watch: 17-25 Sep 2024

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Note: Prediction periods are not ON-OFF switches. Thus, if some prediction period starts from, let us say, 15 October, it is not that things cannot happen on 13 or 14 October. Similarly, if something is predicted to happen in the region around Mumbai, let us say, then that does not mean that the very city of Mumbai will necessarily be affected: it could also be Satara or Surat which may be affected. Longitudinally, both Karachi and Delhi are very close to Mumbai. The astrology of weather depends heavily on longitudes.

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Astrometeorological predictions for the period 17 Sep-25 Sep 2024:

  • There could be quite a lot of rain in several parts of India. Areas falling near 79E longitude may be quite susceptible. Delhi-Western Uttar Pradesh-Uttarakhand-Eastern Ladakh region lies firmly in the vicinity of this longitude. Some major cities in India near this longitude include Pithoragarh, Moradabad, Rampur, Bareilly, Kanpur, Gwalior, Sagar, Nagpur, Chandrapur, Karimnagar, Hyderabad, Nandyal, Bengaluru and Tuticorin. Outside of India, places such as Hotan and Aksu in eastern Xinjiang (China) and Semej (Kazakhstan) lie near this longitude.
  • Molucca Sea and Banda Sea may see very heavy rain and/or storms. Regions in this area include Sulawesi, Maluku, and Nusa Tenggara/East Timor.
  • The northern coast of Australia, right from northern regions of Western Australia to northeastern Queensland, may see heavy precipitation and/or storms. The area around Darwin may be particularly affected.
  • The provinces of Victoria and Tasmania in Australia could see more than usual precipitation, including some areas with quite heavy precipitation.
  • The southern half of South Island (New Zealand) could see plenty of rains.
  • Parts of southeastern China, especially in and around Shanghai, may see more than usual rain.
  • Many to most parts of the Korean Peninsula and Japan may see extremely heavy precipitation and/or storm. A typhoon is likely. Some areas that look critical on the charts include Pohang, Busan, Fukuoka and Kagoshima. Operations at the port of Vladivostok (Russia) may also be affected.
  • Places near the Caspian Sea, such as Baku, Rasht and Aktau, may see a lot of rain.
  • The Dammam-Bahrain-Qatar area is a dry area, so one would not expect much there, but there are chances of rain.
  • The Horn of Africa, too, could see plenty of rain.
  • Parts of Western African coastline could see some stormy activity. The likelihood is stronger in the area of Cape Town and the Namibian coastline.
  • The Cape Verde peninsula could see more than usual rain.
  • Italy or Greece could see some stronger than usual seismic activity. The regions of Tuscany and Korfu seem particularly vulnerable.
  • It may be a colder than usual period in Portugal and Galicia (Spain).
  • Western coast and/or southern tip of Greenland may see a severe storm.
  • Eastern Brazil may see quite a lot of rain. The region around Salvador (Bahia) looks particularly affected.
  • The Avalon Peninsula (Canada) may see a strong storm.
  • Strong rain and wind may affect the Northeast U.S., including New York, as well as neighbouring regions of Canada such as Ontario and Quebec.
  • A strong storm, maybe even a snowstorm this early in autumn, may affect the Upper Midwest region of the U.S. (and nearby areas of Canada). The possibility looks strong in the Minnesota-Iowa-Illinois region.
  • Western U.S., especially Southern California, may experience more than usual heat.
  • Ketchikan may already be the rain capital of Alaska, but it, and the surrounding region, may experience even more precipitation than what is usual for it during this period.

Note: For those who are new, a non-exhaustive list of my successful predictions in the past, including those related to weather, can be found here.

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