3 min read

Weather watch: 12-19 Aug 2024

Strong possibility of an earthquake in the vicinity of 10 degrees East longitude.
Weather watch: 12-19 Aug 2024

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Astrometeorological predictions for the period 12-19 Aug 2024:

  • Many parts of India may receive heavy rains, especially western, northwestern and southern India. Parts of Pakistan, such as Sindh, may also experience extreme rain and storms.
  • There may be storms, landslides or even an earthquake in the region around the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea. Countries in this region include Yemen, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and (the western coast of) Saudi Arabia. Fall of structures possible (reasons natural or non-natural). Seafarers in this area must be careful.
  • The region around Johor-Singapore-Sumatra-Java may see storms, landslide and/or major disaster/accident.
  • The area around Seram-Arafura Sea and Papua region of Indonesia as well as northern Queensland may see high winds. Seafarers should be careful. Towards the east of this region, that is the Bismarck Sea and Papua New Guinea, as well as several parts of northern Queensland, there may be plentiful rains and even some stormy activity.
  • The eastern coast of Australia may see more rains than usual, with some areas that could receive heavy rains. Cities like Brisbane and Sydney are located along this coastline.
  • Very windy weather in most parts of Japan. Northern parts, such as Hokkaido, and neighbouring regions, such as Sakhalin Island and Khabarovsk Krai, may see rain.
  • There may be quite heavy rain in parts of the Kamchatka Peninsula.
  • Western Europe, especially Netherlands-Belgium-France-Spain-Portugal region, may see extreme weather. Storms possible.
  • Strong possibility of an earthquake in the vicinity of 10 degrees East longitude. The area from Scandinavia till the plains of Germany looks particularly critical. Most of Italy, which is a seismically active country, lies in the vicinity of or on this longitude. Weather may be stormy.
  • Stormy weather may plague the English Channel. Britain, especially southern England, may see rough weather. Western Irish coast may see steady rains.
  • The Western coast of U.S. and Baja California (Mexico) may see rains or even storms.
  • It may be warm and dry in the Porto Alegre-Curitiba-Sao Paulo-Rio de Janeiro area.
  • There may be heavy rain in south-central Chile.
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