Understanding prediction posts

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Now, let us get down to some of the basics I use in my prediction posts. The very first thing to note is that once published, I do not edit those posts ever again (unless some technical issue is preventing them from being read). I believe in honesty and transparency: once a prediction is made, it is out there in the open, for it to be validated against real events that shall follow.
The prediction posts are based on several factors, such as ingress charts (charts cast for the Sun entering particular zodiac signs), lunation charts (new moon and occasionally full moon charts, including when eclipses happen), planetary cycles' charts (e.g., the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction chart for 2024) and of course the "birth" charts for a country (or city or company or even an event at times). National leaders' and rulers' birth charts, when their birth data are available, are also very important to factor in. Charts of political parties or other relevant institutions and organisations are also important to take cognisance of.
An important thing to remember is that the astrological year starts with the Sun's entry into Aries, that is, the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (and the autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere). This happens around 19-23 March usually in any year and is a major celebration in many cultures around the world. So when I say this year or next year, I often mean the year starting from the vernal equinox, not the Gregorian calendar's January 1 date.
Now the main validity period for an ingress chart's predictions will either be 1 year, or 6 months, or 3 months. counting the date and time from when the Sun enters a sign (usually the cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, with entry into Aries being the most important). So for example, if my post says validity period of 1 year from 20 March 2024, then the predictions made in that post could occur anytime during roughly 20 March 2024 and 20 March 2025. Note that this it not some ON-OFF switch that suddenly on 21 March 2025, nothing would apply. Use common sense always. Sometimes, the validity period will only be 6 months or 3 months. A new chart will always be cast when the Sun enters Aries (i.e., when spring comes in the Northern Hemisphere), while other charts may or may not be necessary to cast, depending on previous ingress charts' validity periods.
A lunation chart's validity period will only be up to almost 1 month (e.g., New Moon to next New Moon), and it will be rare that I will make a dedicated post based only on a lunation chart. Eclipses' validity can last for months or even a year or so, though some correlates ("effects") can be felt very soon, so I will not give any validity period for them in my posts.
In the case of great planetary cycles and conjunctions, some correlates can be immediate, happening soon after a conjunction is made between two outer planets, and some correlates are long-term or manifest as a new flavour for several years or even decades on the political, social and technological landscape. Thus, again, there is no proper validity period for these.
It is important to remember that boundaries created by human beings are just that. It is geography that is paramount in mundane astrology. For example, when I predict the likelihood of an earthquake in a country, that likelihood will not suddenly stop at the country's borders. The event, sometimes, may happen in a neighbouring country instead or felt more there. This is especially an issue in Europe, which is composed of several small nation-states. I do always factor in a country's own "birth" chart, but sometimes that is not enough as a distinguishing factor. Hence, always use common sense.
When the chart shows death of a ruler, and given that democracies have two rulers in a way (the prime minister and king/queen, or the prime minister and president), I do not put the name of the person concerned, even though I usually have a good idea who is concerned, and it is left to the reader to figure out who could be indicated. In addition, sometimes the chart may show the ruler more in their capacity of a "noble person" rather than ruler itself, in which case I would have used the words noble or prominent person. Sometimes, I am slightly cryptic in other matters, too, as the information I see in the charts can be of a sensitive nature to be said explicitly. My duty is to bring astrology in greater public awareness for the public's own good, not to create sensation. Also, sometimes people do not want to hear what an astrologer has to say as it might run counter to their wishes, so sometimes I am more circumspect than I want to be, though at other times I would boldly publish what I see.
I am continually in a mode of research so as to fine-tune my predictions and come up with better astrological tools in the field of mundane astrology, so that in the future predictions could be more precise. For example, a large country's charts indicate earthquake, but where exactly in that country such an event could happen is very important to figure out to save lives and property. This requires more research, as so far I have not been able to determine the precise area, nor I have read anyone who is able to do that in advance of the event. I believe a good system should warn in advance, not do an analysis after the event, and warning for a country in whole is not sufficient in itself, particularly if it is a country large in size. Astrology is a powerful science that ought to be used for the good of humanity, not for mere speculation.
And hence, please donate, so I can dedicate more time for research rather than having to do other jobs. Astrology needs not only a large amount of data of various kinds but also interpretation of that data, so even training a computer on the data won't do much without the human element. So, please donate! This would also enable me to continue being an astrologer.
Finally, please remember: astrology is a science of probabilities, not certainties. So not everything that the astrology indicates will come to pass. That is not a frailty of astrology: that is the very nature of it. In any case, nothing in this world is certain to happen (or not happen), irrespective of which science declares that to be the case.
In addition, there are the issues of the astrologer themselves, who may miss out on something important for want of skill or plain oversight and thus arrive at improper or lacking interpretations. Hence, please attribute the blame of any predictions that do not materialise first to free will and then put it at the door of my own shortcomings, not that of astrology.
Happy reading, happy subscribing!