3 min read

The astrology of the troubles of Sweden-based battery maker Northvolt

This is when funding may start really drying up for the firm, posing existential crises for the firm.
The astrology of the troubles of Sweden-based battery maker Northvolt

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Northvolt is making a lot of news, as is Volkswagen, a chief backer of the firm. Both Northvolt, an ambitious startup that has several battery gigafactories in the pipeline, and German automobile giant Volkswagen with its equally big electric car ambitions are facing pain in the face of a slow European market to embrace EVs plus a lot of competition from foreign electric vehicle (EV) makers.

Northvolt has been somewhat of a darling in the investor community, but has suddenly lost confidence among customers, partners and maybe even Volkswagen. In the last few months, it lost a big order from BMW, and it remains unclear how much support the battery firm has from Volkwagen, even while VW claims continued support to Northvolt's ramp-up plans. Astrology indicates not much at the moment.

Let us look at just a few things indicated on Northvolt's charts currently. The following is the transits and solar arcs chart as of 20 June 2024 noon, with its "natal" chart shown on the inner wheel, taking 12 noon as the registration time for the firm:

Transits and solar arcs chart for Northvolt for 20 June 2024

I have taken the transit date as 20 June 2024, as it is around that date that the loss of order from BMW became public.

Note that in the natal chart of Northvolt, Mars/Jupiter=Pluto, which meant the company had a wonderful buildup, a rapid success in drawing funding, opportunities, contacts, customers. Again, Asc./Moon=Jupiter indicated good luck and popularity. However, on the flip side, continuing to take 12 noon as the time of registration, Saturn is right conjunct the nadir, meaning there would be many accidents at production facilities and even possible loss in events like flooding or fall of roof, etc. I do not know if Northvolt has had any such issues at its only operating facility, Northvolt Ett, till now, but its natal chart suggests it should have.

Now let us look at the transits and solar arcs, on which this analysis is based. The very first thing one notices here is SA Saturn=Neptune, SA MC=Neptune, SA Saturn=Ascendant. In addition, transit Saturn is very close to Descendant. One must remember here that in the natal chart, Neptune is ruling the 7th house, the house of partners and clients, and SA Saturn=Neptune is here a strong indication of loss of partners and clients, plus SA Sa/SA MC=Neptune is also indicating sorrow from "the falseness of others," to quote de Witte, the others here being clients such as BMW.

What else is there? A lot, but let's focus on only a few important ones. Let's look at solar arc. SA MC/SA Ur=Hades. Such a transit means a significant, often sudden loss of public image for one's own "misdeeds." From what I have read, Northvolt is being said to be in trouble because of lack of proper execution in respect to both delivery times and quality of production. SA Sun/SA Sa=Mars, which is again making the subject "lonely."

Looking at the transits, tr. AP/tr. Cu=Ha, which indicates heavy loss in a business, even collapse of a firm. Tr. Mo/tr. Cu=Sa, again indicating separation, "loneliness." Tr. Ma/tr. Ap=Sa, indicating loss of certain activity.

Things may even go worse for the firm as Saturn reaches the verge of Aries (where Saturn is in its fall) and finally enters it, also entering the 8th house for the firm's natal chart. This is when funding may start really drying up for the firm, posing existential crises for the firm. When is that time? Around May 2025.