2 min read

Spring 2024: N. Korea

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Before reading, please make sure you understand the terminology used on this website. Also, read this post about understanding predictions.

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Please also refer to the Global Overview for year 2024 before reading.

Region in focus: North Korea

General validity period: end of Mar 2024 to end of Jun 2024

Season published: Northern Hemisphere Spring (end of Mar 2024 to end of Jun 2024)


Please also consider reading predictions of the neighbourhood, which may give you a more complete picture: China, Taiwan, Japan, S. Korea.
  • A very rainy spring, though it may start initially with a dry spell.
  • The ruler looks unfortunate and in strong trouble both from unpopularity among people and possible health concerns. An extremely strong probability of the death of ruler any time in spring or summer after late April 2024.
  • Armed forces to be the focus of the country during this period as well as also the theme of the country's projected image. Military build-up is seen.