The sinking of the Bayesian, and Mike Lynch's disappearance/death

In astrology, often things add up. Cumulatively then, the weight is too much for the inevitable not to happen. In this article, we will look at how the different weights added up, leading to the sinking of the Bayesian in August 2024 in Sicily.
On the morning of 19th of August 2024, around 4:05 am, a luxury superyacht, named the Bayesian, sank off the coast of Porticello, Sicily, because of a water spout (tornado). It was reportedly anchored to the sea bed outside the harbour. There were 22 people on board, and the yacht had started this trip on the 14th of August 2024 from Milazzo (also in Sicily). The time that the pleasure trip started is not known by me. In the disaster that happened on the 19th, one man (the yacht's chef) is confirmed to have died, and six are missing, including tech tycoon Mike Lynch (known for being the founder of Autonomy and subsequent legal troubles), his daughter Hannah, Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer, and a prominent U.S. lawyer named Chris Morvillo. The missing are now being presumed dead, though I believe search is still going on. Mike Lynch's birth date and year are known, but his birth time is not known. He is (or was) 59 years old at the time of the tragedy. His wife has survived the incident. The yacht itself, formerly known as the Salute, seems to have been first delivered to yacht manufacturer Perini Navi in April 2008. It is believed the 56-m-long boat's very tall 72m aluminium mast broke into half, leading to the tragedy, though this is not certain. Anyway, the boat seems to have capsized within a minute. According to some accounts, it is quite intact under the water. A furious discussion is going on in various sailing forums regarding the incident. Investigations are on, including if any foul play or negligence was involved, given that weather had been rough already since some time and weather warnings were in place, yet the boat's captain has been quoted as saying "We didn't see it coming." It is to be noted that Mike Lynch had been in a 15-year-long fraud trial, from which he was exonerated recently in a stunning verdict, and his co-defendant in that trial Stephen Chamberlain was also killed in a hit-and-run accident in the UK just a day earlier, on the 18th of August. An extremely bizarre coincidence, if it is a coincidence. Certainly a fateful one on which, probably, some film would be made now.
In my astrological analysis regarding the incident itself and Mike Lynch's disappearance (now presumed dead), I will utilise the following specific inputs: Aries ingress chart for the year in which the yacht was delivered, with the location of the yacht manufacturer; Mike Lynch's birth details; the start of this yachting trip; and the approximate moment of sinking. Before starting, let me also note something about my practice that may seem a bit odd to some astrologers but not to others, who do see usefulness of different systems for different ends. I use whole signs, Placidus and Regiomontanus systems, all of these, in my astrological analyses, but for different objectives. I use whole signs for ingress and lunation charts, Placidus (and sometimes whole signs, too) for birth charts, Placidus only for solar returns and Regiomontanus for event charts and horary charts. This is my standard practice, not just the practice for this article.
Now let us start with some general inputs. From 4th till the 29th of August 2024, there's a Mercury retrograde period going on, which means a higher frequency of travel accidents and inconveniences, among other things. (Mercury is the planet representing communication and movement.) On my website's Critical Dates page, I had warned about this, and I had warned specifically to avoid travel between 19 and 26 August 2024. There has just been a Jupiter-Mars conjunction in the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini (where Jupiter is in detriment), and a retrograde Saturn is squaring this conjunction. This all is happening in the backdrop of a retrograde Neptune (which rules the seas) at the critical 29 degrees, at the jumping off edge of Aries (where it won't be comfortable), and a retrograde Pluto in the very beginning of Aquarius and making a move back towards Capricorn. An extremely unfortunate planetary alignment. For the sake of continuity, given that we are discussing the current planetary alignment, let us look at the chart drawn for the approximate moment of the yacht's sinking.

One of the first things one notices in the above chart is that the retrograde Mercury is cazimi rather than combust. Thus, it holds extreme power, it is sitting in the throne of the Sun. This Mercury is ruling the 3rd house (travel) and 12th house (danger from unknown factors) and is in a tight square with Uranus (unexpected event). Note also that the South Node is angular, indicating damage to the boat. A lot of action is taking place around the Midheaven, indicating a damaged mast or a mast responsible for the yacht's fate. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction occupies the 11th house, indicating the incident to take place while the ship is in a harbour. That Mars is occupying Gemini and with Pluto being angular on the Descendant, there's a strong indication that the superyacht must have tipped over its stern into the sea.
Let us look at when this trip started. I do not know at what exact time on the 14th of August the yacht would have let its anchor loose, but many things won't change regardless of the time. The following chart is for a 12 noon time, as is customary when time is not known:

We will not use the house positions because we don't know the exact time, but unless the yacht started pretty late in night, which would be very unlikely, the Moon's condition is quite bad. It is going to oppose the Mars-Jupiter conjunction (which the 12 noon chart is placing in the 8th house, the house of death and others' money) first before forming a square with Saturn. It will eventually trine Sun, which would bring the events to light. The opposition would form in 4 degrees of the Moon's movement, the square in 5 degrees and the trine in just a touch less than 10 degrees. Moon is in a mutable sign, so let us say the degrees are representing the days. Thus, starting from the 14th, when the trip starts, there might have been some conflict or some big party on board on the 18th (4 days from the 14th), a tragedy on the 19th (5 days from the 14th, and as indeed happened), and it seems that on the evening of 23rd or on the 24th (10 days or just a touch less from the 14th), quite many more things about this incident should come to light. Moon will not meet any benefic before reaching the end of the sign, so, astrologically, there is little hope of finding any of the missing as alive.
One extremely unfortunate thing to notice in this chart for the start of the trip is how Pluto is activating the Mars/Saturn midpoint (or, rather, Jupiter-Mars/Saturn midpoint). Regardless of the time that the trip started on the 14th, this won't change. Mars/Saturn activation brings separation, usually by death. That Jupiter too was involved has helped preserve the lives of the majority on board.
From here, let us look at Mike Lynch's chart. I know his birth date, not the birth time, but for outer planet's aspects, the exact birth time doesn't matter much. However, I still cast his chart for 12 noon, and then based on his life, I think he was probably born around 1:45pm, so I have cast a chart for that and will also cast a solar return for this year for that.

So why I thought around 1:45pm as the birth time? The Ascendant is Libra, giving an oval face, average height and a person who is slim to average and gains weight in the latter part of his life. Have a look at the photos below:

(left) Mike Lynch aged around 21; (right) Mike Lynch aged around 54
But of course I cannot go on Ascendant alone. The 12th house is a stellium, all of them being malefics, indicating such unforeseeable big dangers packed a punch in his life. Remember Lynch's fall from grace after HP's accusations and legal suit? To round out more about why I thought this as the likely approximate time for birth for Lynch is the ruler of 9th in 10th (making his expert knowledge the basis of his career), another stellium in 9th (good planets, indicating good expert knowledge and scholarly credentials), a quite happy Venus occupying the 10th but its ruler Moon in the sign of its detriment (good promise in career, but at the same time challenges to the career), the 4th and 10th houses' rulers' positions (indicating a nurse mother and probably a father who spent much time at home), and the 2nd house ruler in a good condition in 10th but also occupied by Neptune (good money, but also it could be argued that with some skills of making himself or what he has bigger in the eyes of others than what he had: whether he really committed what legally would be fraud or not will depend on specific laws of the land).
So what do I see from this chart relevant to the yacht trip? The thing to notice is that the 8th house ruler is in the 12th house, thus signifying death of this person would happen in some mysterious manner or because of unknowable dangers (and/or in a remote/foreign place).
But now let us look at his transits, and therein lies an astrological clincher. With such transits (and they would be almost the same regardless of what exact time he was born) going in August 2024, and with all that I said earlier, Lynch should never have set sail.

Saturn return! On top of that, Venus opposes natal Saturn, Saturn opposes natal Pluto, and Mars squares natal Saturn. That is to say, the natal Saturn is being conjuncted by transit Saturn, squared by transit Mars and opposed by transit Venus. And trined by Neptune. All these are extremely tight aspects. Not only this, transit South Node is conjuncting the Ascendant. Under such unfortunate auspices, especially when the 9th house (associated with sea travel) is occupied by the explosive Jupiter-Mars conjunction, it was simply foolish to travel. That too in a Mercury retrograde period and with all that said above.
Let us have a quick look at the solar returns for 2024 for Mike Lynch, with my assumed birth time data:

(left) Composite SR chart for Mike Lynch; (right) standalone SR chart for Mike Lynch, both charts for 2024 SR
In the composite chart, SR Mars occupies the natal 8th house. The standalone SR shows malefics Saturn and Neptune in the 3rd house (travel), with Neptune being at a critical degree, and malefic Mars in the 5th house (pleasure activities) as well as in the sign of its detriment. There's an emphasis on 7th house: trouble with law or partners, and attempts on life are among the indications. While there wasn't much to do with the law since his birthday until now, his life certainly has come under threat. By nature or any foul play?
Finally, let us shift our focus a bit away from Mike Lynch and look at the yacht itself, the Bayesian (formerly Salute). This would establish that it was probably foolish, anyway, to go around on this yacht at this time, regardless of whoever was doing it.

The Bayesian (at that time named Salute) seems to have been delivered in April 2008 to Perini Navi. However, I was unable to find the exact date. Hence, I have chosen the 2008 Aries ingress chart for Perini Navi's headquarters location (Viareggio) to represent the yacht. It is a singular chart, as you would see above. An extremely nasty but powerful Mars is being tightly opposed by a nasty and also powerful Jupiter. Equally nasty and powerful is Venus, which is being opposed by a dignified Moon. Thus, there is powerful and nasty diamond. But there's not just this: there's also a very tight triangle (formed of trines) between Pluto, Saturn and Sun/Mercury. Such trines are never good. In addition, the significator of 9th house, essential for a seafaring vessel, is in the 8th house, which is unfortunate. Mercury, the significator of movement and travel, is combust. In other words, a singularly unfortunate ingress chart.
Now, to end this analysis, let us take a look at the transits on 19th of August at 4:05 am to this ingress chart, representing the superyacht:

Look at the Jupiter-Mars conjunction occupying the 9th house (sea travel). The Sun and Mercury occupying the "natal" 8th house are getting activated by transit Pluto through a square aspect. The focus thus goes on death and movement. But have you noticed the most stunning aspect here? Look, again, now at transit Mars/Saturn midpoint, that same midpoint indicating separation, often through death. The midpoint is coming to be at 3 degrees 32 arcminutes in the sign of Taurus. But what do we have there? In the "natal" chart here (the ingress chart), Mercury lies at 3 degrees 52 arcminutes. Whoa! The transit Mars/Saturn almost exact on a Mercury that lies in the 8th house and governs the 9th and 12th houses? Well, this is extraordinary and foretells for sure an accident that would cause deaths!