An astrological look at human civilisation: 2560 BC-AD 5800s

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This post is about Neptune-Pluto conjunction cycles, which mirror remarkably well the advance of human civilisation on Earth and offer also a peek into the future, where Terrans (us, the Earth-inhabiting denizens) may colonise other bodies in space (e.g., Mars and Moon) and also come into contact with the so-called aliens. Feels science fiction? Well, if you delve deep into astrology, you will not find it fiction that much.
Before I start the discussion, a brief idea about what Neptune represents, what Pluto represents for those readers who are not into astrology. Neptune, among other things, are our ideals, our dreams, our illusions, the world of our ambitions in a way (the world of our dreams and ideals). Pluto represents regeneration, a radically fresh start, the wiping off of the old and bringing in the new. Thus, when the two meet, around every 500 years, they bring a big shift in human society's ideals and ambitions. They keep meeting in the same sign for a millennium or even few millennia, and then when they meet the next time in a new sign, that is a huge radical shift for mankind. Let us have a look. First, we start with a list of conjunctions in the (relatively speaking) recent past and future.
I will not go too much into the past and too much into the future, but cover just the following periods of human civilisation in this discussion:
2560 BC: Neptune-Pluto conjunction happens in Aries, moving from Pisces
2065 BC: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Aries
1569 BC: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Aries
1071 BC: Neptune-Pluto conjunction happens in Taurus, moving from Aries
578 BC: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Taurus (also Uranus conjuncting)
84 BC: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Taurus
AD 411: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Taurus
AD 905: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Taurus
AD 1398: Neptune-Pluto conjunction happens in Gemini, moving from Taurus (also Uranus conjuncting)
AD 1891: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini
AD 2384: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini
AD 2877: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini
AD 3371: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini (also Uranus conjuncting)
AD 3863: Neptune-Pluto conjunction in Gemini
circa AD 4355: next Neptune-Pluto conjunction (in Cancer?) (ephemeris data not available)
If we keep going back several of such cycles, we may discover, astrologically, the time range when humans discovered fire. For that, though, one would need a couple of million years of ephemeris data, and archaeologists working with astrologers, so that would be quite an ambitious (though a good) project. I would rather plan to look ahead, but to understand what these cycles are saying, let us look at how each cycle, lasting roughly 500 years, shows a big shift in human history, especially when the Neptune-Pluto conjunction changes signs.
2560 BC till 1070 BC, Neptune-Pluto conjunctions in Aries
Aries stands for initiative, heroes, warring periods. Around 2560 BC is the time when early sophisticated civilisations reached their heights. Think Egypt, Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Minoan civilisations. (Their foundations started in the few thousands of years before this period, when the conjunctions were in Pisces, and emphasis was more on knowledge and agriculturist expansion, which permitted these civilisations to advance.) The emphasis during this time was on victory and initiative, not on stability and mercantilism. This must also be the time of the Ramayana, the Indian epic describing a groundbreaking victory that would pave the way for Aryan rule over northern and central India.
As the time reaches towards its end, that is, by the time we reach 1070 BC, the old civilisations vanish, and new ones, which are more materialistic, will develop and prosper. The initiative-taking, adventure-loving spirit would decline for a more materialistic spirit. Heroes would become more complex. This age's hero was Rama. The next one's would be Krishna.
1070 BC till AD 1397, Neptune-Pluto conjunctions in Taurus
Taurus stands for material concerns, prosperity, stability, obstinacy. The Zhou dynasty, the longest reign in Chinese history, started just before this era. The last Pharaoh dies and a new dynasty starts in Egypt, starting the decline of the native Egyptian civilisation. Rather, several Persian and Greek kingdoms become powerful in this area. Mesoamerica and Japan see significant growth in status, power and prosperity. The Mayan civilisation reaches its heights (and would also decline around the time this period ends). The Roman empire reaches its peak. Chinese civilisation makes great technical advances. In India, the Aryans now start a new Gangetic plains-based order, with the Vedas being written being around this time. They consolidate it. The Mahabharata, the Indian epic describing a fight between two Aryan clans, would be based in the earlier part of this era. The gods and heroes of this era are complex: Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammed.
Religions rather than "paganism" (worship of nature) start getting foundations. Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Confucianism ... they all arise and become strong during this period. They may have spiritual components, but their thrust is on stability, and their teachings, at least as they get institutionalised, are incentivising or promoting order and peace in society so society can prosper. Some, like Judaism and Hinduism, are quite explicitly focused on the importance of merchant classes, and keeping them separate from the knowledge-seeking classes, so the society can move forward in a more sustainably prosperous manner. As this time advances, a decline starts ... in spirituality. The merchants become greedier, capitalism is no longer noble, religion itself becomes a tool to exert power.
AD 1398 till around AD 4354, Neptune-Pluto conjunctions in Gemini
Gemini stands for communication, duality, intellectual development. At around 1398, humanity entered this phase, which will last into the beginning of the fifth millennium.
Communication rules this era, and we have still more than two millennia to go, so expect even more of the same. This era sees the invention of the printing press and the development of the movable type. It sees the development of the modern English, the world's first universal language; the Hangul alphabet and the modern Chinese characters; birth of several languages such as Urdu and modern Hindi; the first newspapers. This era sees new sea routes being discovered to the Americas and India. This era sees the invention of steam engines, trains, airplanes, satellites. This era sees exchanges, often colonising, between different peoples like never before: new empires and states are formed based on communication. A faraway place ruling a faraway place, which was unheard of before. New states form because of these new possibilities of communication: India, Australia, United States. Man even goes to Moon. This era sees the development of new communication technologies: the telegraph, the phone, the Internet, social media, generative artificial intelligence.
The intellectual prowess has become unrivalled. A deluge of information is there, but man is equal to the task of being capable to handle it all. Gemini is a sign in which Jupiter, the planet representing growth, expansion and spirituality, is in detriment. Man is besotted by information and his ever-developing abilities to communicate: his spiritual development is thus stunted, and his inner soul's growth has stopped. Communication has reached to such an extent that even biology itself is not untouched: man can now clone other animals and maybe himself one day, as ethics dilute; the debate of chosen genders rages, and soon man may invent newer technologies to render even this debate obsolete; and the ever-refining man-machine interface may soon bring a new class of "beings" into existence.
What more should we expect? More than two, almost three, millennia of this crazy communication expansion is still remaining. Reaching AGI should be an easy conclusion. Around the year 2125 AD, when the current conjunction cycle reaches its halfway point, I expect a significant jump in man's capabilities in this regard. Things would probably be already in place much before than, but I am expecting it to peak at around that time. Around 2384, when a new conjunction cycle starts, it would be time probably for man to colonise Moon and even Mars. Man may already have done so, but this would be the beginning of non-terran cities, cities on Moon and Mars. 2877, a new conjunction cycle, should see another wave of man's capabilities, probably the first contacts with aliens. And then comes the crucial 3370 AD, when Uranus joins in a new conjunction cycle. Communication capabilities should see a significant and (relatively) sudden upswing. Probably humans are interacting with aliens, maybe even building joint cities, maybe even intermarrying or moving genetics into new areas (e.g., implanting each other's genes to try to make a more invincible human). The communication surge continues, till shortly before 4355 AD or so, a decline starts. Maybe it is wars or power struggle between races (humans and aliens), maybe a more existential danger (e.g., an asteroid hit). The two may be interrelated, because we are then moving into the Neptune-Pluto conjunctions taking place in Cancer, the sign of nationalism ...
Around AD 4355 onwards till 5800s, Neptune-Pluto conjunctions in Cancer
Cancer stands for the mother, nationalism, emotions, heritage, home. Jupiter is exalted here. After millennia-long craze for more and more information and communication, there is a reaction, a fevered one at that. Probably a yearning for or a battle to save planet Earth. A nostalgia for Earth. A nationalism, but for Earth more rather than for nations, a "terrainism." Maybe a yearning to return to the human as they existed before the man-machine interface, before the genetic mixing with the alien. Religion and spirituality again become powerful and seek to stamp their influence. New religions are maybe homosapienism, back-to-human-genes movements. Jupiter is exalted here, not natural ruler, so expect the new religions, whatever they are, to be cultlike and to spread with fervour. Mars is in fall in Cancer, so expect fractiousness to prevail and cunning strategies being employed rather than bravery. Saturn is in detriment in Cancer, so expect structures and boundaries that were established during the Gemini era to dissolve. Structures between human and alien races, structures between Earth and other space colonies, structures between man and machine. In short, expect a few millennia of anarchy, to be fueled by some kind of returnism.
And what will be after that? Maybe in 5800s AD ... the conjunctions will enter Leo. A sign associated with victory, vitality, fun and frolic, the purity of self-expression. Make you own conclusions of what could happen then, you have the clue now, and keep charting the history of human civilisation to come!
And if you want to calculate human history in bigger chunks, you can do so in approximately 28,000-year megacycles, every time the conjunctions have moved through all the 12 signs, returning back to Aries. To make them further epochal, you could do the same with Uranus-Neptune-Pluto triple conjunctions; this would given you even longer hypercycles. This would be very useful if you really want to go backwards through millions of years and calculate when human beings discovered/invented fire, the most explosive (Uranian) and radical (Plutonian) discovery of humankind till date!
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