Natal charts: India

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History of a land yields rich testimony not only of the past but also the present and the future. It also solves several points of debate, for astrology tells you what really happened (one day, I would like to help the police solve a mysterious crime using astrology!). There are several astrologers who will tell you this is how the people of a country are using the country's birth charts. But I think that is an overreach of ambition: how people are depends more on genetics and does not change suddenly just because a country got a new natal chart because it became a free country! But yes, their conditions change, and that is what a mundane natal chart shows. Let us look at three of India's charts.
Before starting, let us set what we are looking for. The key points for us in looking at any chart will be how the local people fare (i.e., how the nation fares), how the rulers fare, what the longevity of the state is, how foreign relations and military power are, and how religion is doing.
- The Muslim rulership chart of India
From historical accounts, one learns that Ummayyad Empire loyal Muhammad ibn al-Qasim was the first one to seize a part of India under Muslim dominion. This happened in Sindh in the years 711-12. Since the exact date of the invasion is not known, one casts an Aries ingress chart for the year 711 for Sindh (now a part of Pakistan).

Let us start with the 1st house, the nation. The ruler is a retrograde planet (Saturn) but very close to the 7th angle, thus very powerful, and even if in 6th, dominating the 7th. This Saturn is also in its detriment. Thus, we have a nasty malefic who is very powerful. Given that this Saturn is ruling the 1st (the Indian nation, being represented by Sindh in our chart), we can see that foreigners (7th house) are being nasty, troubling the nation's spirit. However, the ruler of 4th (common man, workers of land) is in the 1st, a benefic (Venus) but a peregrine planet. Thus, the workers of the land, the common man seem prosperous to some degree, but at the same time it is not very meaningful or felt reality. Probably because the ruler of 9th, too, is the very same Venus in 1st, indicating how the issue of religion is at the forefront of people's minds. That people become more prosperous during the successive Muslim states becomes even more confirmed when one sees that the ruler of 2nd is a benefic (Jupiter) in the 7th.
Now, as we said, the 7th house has Jupiter as the benefic in it, also the triplicity ruler here, plus the ruler of 7th is Sun in its exaltation. Thus, the foreigner is doing very well. However, given that the ruler of 10th (ruler's image and power) is in 12th, this particular state won't last long, nor would many successive states as long as defined by this moment. So while the foreign element introduced here will enjoy stability, the states established by the foreigners will keep rising and declining. Which is what indeed happened with the Arab and Slav dynasties in India till a stable Turco-Persian Mughal dynasty came along, which then would necessitate a new chart.
Again, the ruler of 8th (longevity) is Mercury, in its detriment and fall in Pisces and in a sign that the Ascendant cannot see. It again points that each of the states under the chart won't last very long—in fact, ibn Qasim was dismissed in 715, and the Ummayyad rule over Sindh lasted only till the 740s, though the succeeding Abbasid rule would continue being subject to the chart.
- British India
Let us look at a seminal moment of history from more modern times, when rulership of India passed from the East India Company to the English Crown. This is the moment when the short-lived British Raj started, on 28 June 1858.
A lot of people nowadays in India debate about Gandhi and his role in India's freedom struggle, and they even claim that Gandhi was not responsible for India's freedom. They claim various things: some attribute the freedom solely to the World War II and its aftermath, with the Labour Party winning the election in the UK; some attribute it to Bose; some attribute it even to communist revolutionaries such as Bhagat Singh and Azad. While I agree that these could have been factors aiding in the final outcome, some of the people in modern India even cite these only as the major factors and go even to the extent of calling Gandhi a British agent! This particular chart of India as a British Raj state will be very useful in telling us who Gandhi was: father of the modern Indian nation, or a colonial agent.

Let us look at the Ascendant (nation) and 8th house (longevity) later, for that would take us to Gandhi. Let us look at the chart of the British India first for other things.
The 4th house shows Sun strongly conjunct the IC, and Saturn too lurking in the 4th. This points to the gargantuan famines that ruined Indian economy and agriculture during this period. (They also did so in the East India Company-ruled period, but this chart is not covering that period.) However, the 4th and the 10th are in mutual reception: thus, overall, the common man is getting along well with the ruler, and vice versa. The 9th house (religion) ruler Jupiter is in its detriment, but in its Egyptian term. Thus, religious forces are shallow during this reign, the ruler, too, is not trying to enforce their religion, but religion could also lead to clashes and troubles, given that religion is starting to lack depth in this period. (Note also that 12th house, spirituality, is also showing the same detriment.) The 6th house ruler, showing military and police affairs, is in its ruling sign and triplicity, thus showing good power and control of the military and police under the British.
Now, finally, look at the 1st and 8th house, the houses representing the state itself and its longevity. Both are unfortunate in that their ruler is the out-of-sect malefic Mars sitting in 8th house, in its own sign Scorpio. Thus, the state will not last long: the British Raj in India lasted only 89 years! Who will bring the demise? Look at Mars, at 16 degrees 7 arcminutes, squared exactly by Chiron in Aquarius, at 16 degrees 49 arcminutes. Thus, the demise will be brought by an "outsider" through bringing masses together in order to overthrow the ruler.
Now why did I mention degrees? Let us look at Gandhi's chart (courtesy Astrodatabank):

Mahatma Gandhi's Ascendant ruler is Venus, which is at 16 degrees 26 minutes in Scorpio. This Venus is in its detriment, being dominated by Mars. Do you still remember from the previous paragraph where Mars, the indicator of the demise of the British Raj, was? 16 degrees 7 arcminutes. How exact a conjunction! It is Gandhi, who came from South Africa at a late age, bringing masses together for a gigantic freedom struggle that shook the foundations of the British Empire the world over: the outsider who will bring masses together, as our chart indicated earlier.
Astrology thus tells us that when Gandhi was born, the slayer of the British Raj got born, just like when Krishna was born, the slayer of Kamsa was prophesied to be born. Astrology gives us a definitive answer that it is Gandhi indeed who was the primary figure who led to the termination of the British Raj in India.
This is one beauty of astrology: you can see the true character of a human being, the true course of an incident or history, the truth, rather than be subject to propaganda and endless debates and interminable intellectualisation and weird conspiracy theories.
- Independent India
You may have heard sometimes that the astrological chart for independent India is not that great. It is true to some extent.

Things are concentrated around the IC, on either side of it, thus the 3rd and 4th houses. This denotes a lot of emphasis of the country on internal communication (be it railways or post offices, or the efforts to keep provinces with different languages and customs together) as well as land work (farming, mining) and internal cohesion. The 4th house has Sun it its own sign and the benefic Venus in the correct hemisphere, but Saturn and Pluto are conjuncting the IC tightly. Thus, land work (farming, mining) will be of mixed results: the land is fertile and has resources, but the land workers may be poor and accidents may happen.
The 1st house ruler is in the 3rd, thus the nation's attention is on internal communication. Note that IT sector is a sector covered by this house. Thus, farming, mining and communications/IT are the areas where the country should excel in, though farming and mining would also have challenges at times for their workers. Again, also note that 3rd house ruler, Moon, is in the same house and own sign, thus, again, communications should be a strong area for the country, and maybe, instead of manufacturing, the country's rulers should focus on AI and other communication means (both physical and virtual) as well as farming and mining. This is not the chart of a manufacturing powerhouse country. The aforementioned Moon is also indicating that internal communications could often veer towards regionalism or nationalism, and that a neighbouring country would be very strong as well as cunning in strategy. (Read China.)
The 6th house ruler, Venus, is not very well placed, given its conjunction with the out-of-sect malefic Saturn. This indicates the military forces doing well sometimes but also receiving reverses at times. Working conditions, too, of people in offices and factories are not indicated as that pleasant. The 6th is also being co-ruled, so to speak, by an intercepted Scorpio, ruled by an uncomfortable Mars (see last paragraph on Mars).
The one interesting thing about modern India's chart is its emphasis on power to people. Not only the 4th has Sun in its own sign, but also the ruler of the 10th is in detriment, in 4th again. This indicates that power will always remain with the people by and large, no ruler would be able to become too big and some leaders when in active politics (whether in or out of office) would face death, with the purpose of this death being itself to check growing power of the ruler, because modern India's natal chart does not allow for any ruler to reach inordinate power. At least as long as this chart remains valid, no Indian should be afraid of any ruler becoming a dictator. Either people or nature will throw him out.
But let's then look at the longevity of the state. The ruler, Jupiter, is in a cadent house (6th) plus peregrine: if freedom had come a few minutes later, Jupiter would have been in its Egyptian term. Also, Mars is on the 2H-8H axis. This is not a very good sign. Thus, I would expect the state under this chart to have only a moderate longevity. Given that the 7th house is also being ruled by the same Jupiter, foreign relations of the country, too, do not look very fortunate.
Lastly, the chart also shows the loss of one of India's strengths: spirituality. Note the ruler of 12th, Mars, at the beginning of Cancer. This is a deeply uncomfortable situation. When you see this with in conjunction with the position of 9th house ruler Saturn, in detriment but strongly angular, it means that religion, too, is in decline, yet pseudo-religious forces, in the name of religion, will trouble the country's domestic atmosphere (4th house) severely and will be very strong.
Next time, I will look at the charts of some other countries. Let me know on my social media or through email if you enjoyed this.
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(Feature image of Gandhi and Mountbatten taken from this source: