3 min read

Monsoon 2024: India

The ruling government may find it difficult to hold on, but even if it does, it is not popular.
Monsoon 2024: India

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A non-exhaustive list of successful predictions made so far is maintained on my blog at this sticky post: https://palmistankur.substack.com/p/some-successful-astrological-predictions

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Please also refer to the Global Overview for year 2024 before reading.

Region in focus: India (Bharat)

General validity period: end of Jun 2024 to end of Sep 2024

Season published: Northern Hemisphere Summer (end of Jun 2024 to end of Sep 2024)

This post must be read in conjunction with the overall year's (Mar 2024-Mar 2025) predictions published here for India.


  • A heavy monsoon overall. In some regions, there could be severe floods and storms. Many deaths could occur as a result.
  • Educational affairs may face trouble. Some higher learning or religious institution may be in the news for the wrong reasons. In some incident, some school or schoolchildren, too, may face an accident, probably while travelling or because of rains/floods.
  • The period from 4 Aug to 23 Aug seems a critical time regarding the above points.
  • The focus of the ruling government on government formation and survival but of the people and country overall to be on finance and resources during this period.
  • Foreign affairs or image of the country abroad are also on the minds of the people.
  • Democracy appears highly strengthened during this period.
  • Parliament formation or legislative work seems to face delays or confusion. High chances of what is euphemistically called horse-trading.
  • The ruling government may find it difficult to hold on, but even if it does, it is not popular. Towards the end of September 2024, one may see a massive fall from grace for the government, or some other significant trouble to the ruler or his government. An aggressive spirit pervades the national affairs. Early and mid-August may also be a difficult time for the ruler or government.
  • The areas of Punjab and Haryana and adjoining areas (such as parts of Rajasthan) seem quite unfortunate during this period, with a transportation accident looking the most likely cause of the misfortune.
  • There may be a change of ruler in Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh or Tamil Nadu (especially any of the first two).
  • Southern India could see the death of some elite or rich person(s), probably during mid- to end September 2024.
  • Financial affairs of the country seem tight during this period. Stock exchanges may show a lot of volatility. The time around 22 Jun 2024 seems critical regarding this.
  • This period could be a difficult period for the Adani Group, which may face loss of popularity or loss of a partner. The subperiod between 6 Jul and 3 Sep 2024 looks especially critical regarding this. May 2025 could also be a difficult period for the group, but that is not a period of time we are covering in this post.
  • Mid- or end September 2024 could also be a difficult time for some major banks, such as HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank, especially the former.
  • Health of the country seems good during this period, and employment increases. Workers become bolder.
  • A lot of activity seen for newspapers, publishers and broadcasters, who seem to be doing financially well during this period.
  • Some complicated court case may run in or present itself before the court which may have a bearing on the country's constitution or regulations.

For possible critical dates, see the Critical Dates page.

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