Modern India's economic cycles: close ties with Neptune

This post shows a quite simple and strong correlation between independent India's economic growth cycles and aspects of Neptune. It is available to read to all subscribers for reading, including those who subscribe for free. In case you are not yet subscribed, you may do so here.
In the recent months, Indian stock market, which had been going up and up over the past few years, has been going down without even any strong domestic trigger to it such as a war or a pandemic. Indian economy, too, seems not to be doing well, as indicated by inventory levels of cars, two-wheelers and steel, which are in general quite reliable indicators of the true state of Indian economy rather than government-produced or -fudged data.
I had already warned about this for the year 2024-25 back itself, and I have also warned the same for the upcoming year 2025-26.
For the ongoing year 2024-25, these were my words: "It is highly probable that the economy would not do well. Businesses, particularly banks, may suffer; stock prices may suffer. This may be particularly true for Q4 of 2024-25 (i.e., Jan-Mar 2025)." Note how true they sound now!
For the upcoming year 2025-26, these have been my words: "Financially, not a great time for the country. The stock market may show volatility, and it is not a time to speculate. Some bank or similar financial institution could be in trouble, leading to hardship for many." I expect them, too, to prove very correct!
Unfortunately, because of the proliferation of astrologers, and many of them say things without enough study or intuition, thus causing harm to the image of astrology, which anyway is not a deterministic science by its very nature, some readers may not have heeded my words and may be exposed to losses on the stock markets.
If their trust is low in astrology, let me show how Neptune, a planet that is often associated with business and speculative affairs, is closely related to India's economic performance. I am going to focus here on Neptune when it aspects to the malefic Saturn, and thus brings about challenging times in the Indian economy, but readers can experiment what happens when Neptune aspects with the benefic Jupiter (or with Mars-Jupiter conjunctions) and see if they find any patterns. Readers can also do similar experiments with other countries: note that for different countries, different astrological patterns will emerge, some centered around the Lunar Nodes (Rahu/Ketu), some around Jupiter, some around Chiron, and so on. Not every country will react to Neptune so strongly as India does.
We start first with a graph of India's GDP growth since 1960. The chart below shows the curve starting from 1961, as the coordinate for 1961 is showing the growth that happened in the previous year (1960 if the coordinate is at 1961):

Let us have a look at the astrology now, which actually is quite simple to understand.