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Event: Narendra Modi starts 3rd term as Indian PM on June 9, 2024

Event: Narendra Modi starts 3rd term as Indian PM on June 9, 2024

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On June 9, 2024, at 7:23 pm, in New Delhi, Shri Narendra Modi started taking oath to take office as the Prime Minister of India for the third consecutive time. Astrologically, this is the important time to determine in a significant way how this term would go. Let us look at the chart right away (in case the chart doesn't load, please click here):

Chart for the beginning of Narendra Modi's third term

The very first thing to notice is that Moon, the significator of any event and also the co-ruler of Modi here, is void of course. This is already not an auspicious beginning: things started with Moon void of course will usually not bear fruit as desired, will have to be redone, will never actualise. Even if Moon is here in domicile, thus having a lot of essential dignity, but it does not make an aspect. Soon, Moon will change signs, enter Leo, where it is peregrine, so it does not seem that time will make a difference for the better. Let us then look at the other testimonies: one cannot go by one testimony alone.

The lord of the first house, Jupiter, representing Modi himself in the chart, is in detriment. The lord of the tenth house, Venus, representing Modi's power, authority and his government, is deeply combust as well as peregrine. Not only that, but both Jupiter and Venus are firmly in control of Mercury, the lord of the 7th house, representing the opposition. Venus is closely conjunct the descendant, thus powerful in a way, but this power, owing to the other accidental indignities, is rather being given to the opposition. Look at that 7th house again: its ruler, Mercury, is in chariot and is in the term ruled by Venus. The opposition, thus, is all powerful and getting some benefit of the Venus on the cusp. Given that the sixth house is also being ruled by Venus, there are issues, too, related to party workers and/or BJP's own ministers under Modi.

Now let us look at the allies. We look at the 11th house for bigger allies, like the TDP and JD(U) in this case, and the 3rd house for smaller allies. The 11th house ruler, Mars, has just entered a sign of its detriment. This indicates that the situation has just now changed: till recently, the ruler had no issue with the allies, but now his allies are going to give him problems. In fact, the 11th house is intercepted! It shows that there may be illusions or deception from the bigger allies' side. The 3rd house ruler, Saturn, is troubling the ruler's authority even more: it is almost exactly square Sun (the natural planet associated with a ruler) and also in a tight square with Venus (the significator here of the ruler's authority): thus the smaller allies can be expected to bring severe annoyances to the ruler.

Let us look finally at how the matter will end. For that, we look at the 4th house. Its ruler is Mars, which, as we noted earlier, is in detriment, having just changed signs. The matter will not end well: the new government will not do well. That Mars just now changed signs shows that things could have been very different till just some time back, but something has changed in the circumstances, leading to this new scenario.

In summary, I do not expect the present ruler's reign to last long, and even while it lasts, there would be several troubles for the ruler, both from within his party and his allies, while at the same time the opposition would be resurgent and gaining ground all the time. In spite of the ruler of the 8th house (the house of longevity and death) being in own domicile, I would not give even a moderately long term to the ruler's reign. My estimate, though this is a very tricky part of astrology, would be that in just under 3 months, given that Moon changes signs in just under 3 degrees, that is around the first week of September, circumstances may change materially for the ruler. In just under 5 degrees, Moon will oppose Pluto, once changed circumstances come into effect, so in around 4 months and 3 weeks or so (from the 9th of June), the government may fall down or be in a severe danger of so. Note that timing is very tricky from such charts, so I may go wrong here: but I am quite certain of a short reign for the ruler.

Note that this analysis is based on the Narendra Modi government that started on the evening of 9 June 2024. In astrology, one looks at the person, not parliamentary parties, as the ruler. Should it happen that the BJP stays in power but the ruler changes, that would be a new reign, hence a new government astrologically.

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