
If you can afford it, please donate generously, for that enables me to dedicate a significant amount of my time to research in mundane astrology, which is a much overlooked field of astrology.

For example, mundane astrology often allows one to predict an impending earthquake, even down to the approximate day. However, much more fine-tuning is still needed. For example, where exactly in a province will the earthquake happen?

This was an example of the kind of work I do. I am especially interested in the astrology showing impending mass tragedies, because a precise warning in advance can lead to saving a significant number of lives.

Hence, please donate!

One-off donations, recurring donations ... everything is welcome.

Remember, too, that supporting scholars and scholarly work is something that everyone should practise in their lives whenever they can afford to.

How to donate?

You may either donate through Stripe, PayPal or Ko-fi. (The donation page may show you my company name, Agarwal Info Solutions, under which the business is registered.)

You may also donate to my bank account directly should you prefer so or if a large sum of money (USD10,000 or above) is involved, in which case you may contact me for details.

If you are unable to donate through the links above, please do not hesitate to contact me.