Bangladesh: Muhammad Yunus takes oath

I did not follow the event live, but I am told that at 21:20 hours, on August 8, 2024, Muhammad Yunus took oath as head of the new, interim government of Bangladesh. Let us see what this time proposes to bring.
Here's the chart:

The very first thing one notices is Pluto squaring the Mars/Saturn midpoint. This is significant in of itself and portends something. But let us wait and see what the house system brings.
The ruler of 1st (Yunus's government) and 8th (that government's longevity), Mars, is in a close conjunction with Jupiter and a square with an out-of-sect Saturn. Mars will first meet Jupiter, then Saturn. The ruler of 10th (the government's power and authority) and 11th (allies of the ruler), Saturn, is in the 12th. Mars does apply to Saturn, so Yunus will hold power. However, it seems that his power as well as the support of his allies are in danger from some kind of backstabbing or conspiracy.
The 6th house is doing a lot in this chart, and its ruler, Mercury, is in its own sign but retrograde. It is also the ruler of the 3rd (the youth, who have catapulted Yunus to this position). What does this indicate?
The youth may change their opinion about Yunus. It could be also that Yunus's health suffers.
Moon, again in the 6th, will meet Mars first and Sun the last in soft aspects. Thus, government formation is a success. Start may be rocky, and the initial period of the government may see some violence, too.
Overall prognosis? It seems that the initial period under Yunus may see violence, then things stabilise. Yunus' health could see concerns. The youth may lose confidence in his leadership. Things may unravel quickly, the government fall suddenly or be forced to call for elections before it wants to do so as a result of some plot behind the scenes. Some country in proximity may play a key role in the plot.
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