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Autumn 2024: Türkiye

Autumn 2024: Türkiye

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A non-exhaustive list of successful predictions made so far is maintained on my blog at this sticky post: https://palmistankur.substack.com/p/some-successful-astrological-predictions

This post won't be edited once it's published.

Please also refer to the Global Overview for year 2024 before reading.

Region in focus: Türkiye

General validity period: end of Sep 2024 to end of Dec 2024

Season published: Northern Hemisphere Autumn (end of Sep 2024 to end of Dec 2024)


  • This period might be rainier than usual.
  • Strong possibility of an earthquake, especially in Eastern Turkey. The area around Erzurum-Mardin seems particularly indicated.
  • This seems an extremely unfortunate period for the country's ruler. Illness or injury is strongly indicated. Death, too, cannot be ruled out.
  • Affairs concerning the people of the country to be at the forefront.
  • There could be a misfortune involving some long-distance trip or ships.
  • Some secret plotting against the country.
  • There may happen a significant or sudden shift in Turkish lira bonds' yields.

For possible critical dates, see the Critical Dates page.

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