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Autumn 2024: South Korea

Autumn 2024: South Korea

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Before reading, please make sure you understand the terminology used on this website. Also, read this post about understanding predictions.

A non-exhaustive list of successful predictions made so far is maintained on my blog at this sticky post: https://palmistankur.substack.com/p/some-successful-astrological-predictions

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Please also refer to the Global Overview for year 2024 before reading.

Region in focus: South Korea

General validity period: end of Sep 2024 to end of Dec 2024

Season published: Northern Hemisphere Autumn (end of Sep 2024 to end of Dec 2024)


  • There may be high seismic activity in the region during this period, with volcanic activity looking like the most likely result.
  • A very bad time for the ruling government. People may demonstrate strongly their disaffection with the ruler, whose fall looks highly likely. This may involve desertion by some political partner or backstabbing.
  • Parliamentary affairs look unstable. Death of some statesman likely.