Astrology of the wedding of Norwegian Princess Märtha Louise & Durek Verrett

An event that has divided Norwegians, a controversial wedding of two controversial people: that of Märtha Louise, the daughter of Norway's current King, who calls herself a clairvoyant, with someone from the U.S. who calls himself a shaman, Durek Verrett. Even if Märtha Louise has had to drop the royal titles, she continues to call herself, controversially, a royal, and the public interest continues in her wedding too, with the magazine Hello! getting exclusive access to it. But what does astrology say about the moment chosen for the wedding?
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Let us take a look first at Märtha Louise's birth chart itself, as per birth data available on Astro-Databank:

In delineating a birth chart, I use Whole Signs system, so the above chart is using that. Look at the Mars-North Node conjunction in the 1st house, and the South Node in the 7th. Also, the ruler of the 7th, Sun, is in the 8th, at almost the critical 29 degree and in close conjunction with Pluto. We know from this that Louise's natal chart itself is not conducive for stable, long-lasting relationships, in general, but also that her spouses could be complex personalities and maybe shared finances would be a prominent issue for her, and that the game of power and control in a marital relationship would be quite prominent. Given that the 8th ruler is well dignified, it may well be that the spouse gains control over her finances. (Note that this is Louise's second marriage, with the first having ended in a divorce.)
Let us have a brief look at Durek Verrett's natal chart, too, again with birth details sourced from Astro-Databank:

One notices immediately two things. One is that the rulers of 1st and 7th houses are in mutual exchange, but with each of them in detriment: this does not bode well at all for the native's committed relationships. Two, the prominence of Pluto in this chart, which occupies the 10th house and is also in a tight square with the Moon from the 1st house. If one were to look at the same chart in the Placidus system, the square adds more flavour, with Pluto in the 8th house and Moon in the 12th house. Among other things, it shows a person who may have done time in the prison, as Verrett has done, as well as a person who loves control on thoughts. Given the stellium in 11th (Whole Signs), control on others' thoughts.
Now let us focus on the wedding itself. It was supposed to take place starting from 1pm on the 31st of August 2024. I do not know the exact time it started, that is, if it got delayed, as there is no live coverage, but unless it was extremely delayed, much of what follows would not change.
Let us look at the transit charts first for both Louise and Verrett:

Transit charts for Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett in the Placidus system for 31 August 2024 at 1 pm in Geiranger, Norway
What a day for Verrett! Transit Sun is putting a spotlight on natal Jupiter, showing a good opportunity, a good stroke of success. Transit Uranus has been opposing his natal Venus, indicating strong changes in love life. Some kind of tension between wanting freedom and life's actual circumstances going inside him, not just on the day but something that has been going on and will continue for some time, is indicated by the charts. Note also that Verrett is currently in his 2nd house profection year: among other things, 2nd house signifies money and resources (including self-esteem).
For Louise, who is in her 5th house profection year (with 5th house being the house of romance and creativity, among other things), the main thing to notice here is that she has taken this life-changing decision at a time when transit Neptune is opposing almost exactly her natal Sun. Now when Neptune opposes Sun, one is lost in the fog, one is not able to realise one's own essence that well, not think clearly enough, and one should avoid taking life-changing decisions or actions during such a time. What will happen once Neptune enters Aries for a brief period initially (30 March to 22 October 2025) and for several years (from 26 January 2026 onwards), and especially when it is at the critical 1 degree in Aries (from 28 February to 26 March, 2026)? I suspect the fog will dispel. What can happen once the fog dispels? Let us finally look at the wedding chart itself, taking the time of the event as 1pm.

This is certainly a very badly chosen time for a wedding. Except that the Ascendant is in a fixed sign, not much is going well here for the couple. The 4th house, an angular house, is being occupied by the malefic Saturn (or malefics, if you walso want to include Neptune), which is also the ruler of the 4th here. The 4th house indicates family and home. The 7th house, too, another angular house, is occupied by Uranus, though its ruler Venus is doing well. In addition, the ruler of the 1st is in 8th, the house of death and secrets, and that's not a good sign at all. The 8th house ruler is in 11th, which is 4th from 8th, the end of matters. Not promising. And whoa! What one sees is that the Ascendant is exactly at the midpoint of Mars and Saturn! Mars/Saturn midpoint activation shows separation, often through illness or death, and with the Ascendant itself activating it so tightly, such an interpretation for the future is hard to escape from. Let us finally look at the Moon, a critical element in any chart for an event. The Moon's initial contact will take place with Jupiter, which shows a promising beginning. However, it will then contact Mercury (talk, arguments, controversy, or taking care of someone young), and then go on to finally contact Uranus and Mars, two malefics which one certainly does not want to play a role in a wedding chart! This signifies that the marriage would rupture, maybe suddenly or dramatically.
Do note how the wedding chart has the Sun and Mercury close to the Midheaven, indicating a certain spotlight on the wedding and talk about the wedding in the press and social circles. The presence of Venus in the 11th house indicates the presence of the rich or elites in the wedding.
So when is it that the marriage could snap? Timing is difficult from event charts, but the distance from Moon's contact with Mars signifies that maybe in around 18 months from the date of marriage, things could happen. That again gives us February 2026, which, as I noted earlier, is when the Neptunian fog could dispel somewhat from Louise's mind and she may see things in a new light.
Let us look at this period around February 2026 in the solar return charts for both Louise and Verrett:

(Left) SR 2025 chart for Märtha Louise; (Right) SR 2025 chart for Durek Verrett
Above are shown solar return charts for Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett for the year 2025. Thus, the chart for Louise is covering the period from 21 September 2025 to 22 September 2026, while the chart for Verrett is covering the period from 16 November 2025 to 17 November 2026. Thus both charts cover the period around February 2026. Both the charts looks quite bad: the Ascendant of Louise's SR chart lies in the 1st house of natal chart, while the Ascendant of Verrett's SR chart lies in the 6th house, these both being already bad indications. For Verrett, the chart shows extreme misfortune, with the extremely malefic Neptune right on Midheaven, Saturn close to it, and the modern ruler of 8th, Uranus, sitting in the 11th. The 7th house has Pluto in it, plus there is a Uranus-Neptune trine. For Louise, too, the chart looks very bad, with 6th house (the house of health and routine) being a sextile, Mars on the 7th cusp and that strong opposition from a Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 12th to the Sun-Moon conjunction (very close to New Moon and also a solar eclipse).
At this time, checking the solar arcs for Verrett, SA Saturn=Ascendant within 1 degree of orb. For Louise, SA Ascendant=Mars and SA Saturn=MC. Note also that at this time, Louise will be in her 7th house profection year (7th house indicating partner) and Verrett in his 4th house profection (4th house indicating home, family life, end of matters).
Around February 2026, things certainly look dicey! Let us check transits, too, for the end of February 2026. (Transit charts are not shown here.) For Louise, transit Saturn will be opposing natal Venus during this time, indicating the possibility of crisis in relationship. For Verrett, it is transit Uranus that will be opposing his natal Venus, again indicating a sudden crisis in relationship, and in early March 2026, he will also have transit Sun opposing his natal Pluto as well as transit Venus opposing natal Uranus. Certainly, a time of crisis!
Given that so many factors coalesce here, I would mark the period from end of 2025 to mid-2026, especially the period around end of February or beginning of March 2026, as very critical for this relationship. It is highly likely that the relationship would sever at this time. A highly likely reason is (sudden) illness or injury or even death. However, quarrels and separation or divorce, too, cannot be ruled out.
The importance of choosing the correct time when you start something important in life, for example, marry someone, open a new business or sign documents to buy a new home, cannot be overemphasised. If you'd like me to help you choose this, contact me on or see here for more details.
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