About all this
This site is a humble attempt to bring to light the use of mundane astrology, "the branch of astrology whose subjects are the events of geographical regions, places, countries and the whole world" (to quote from AstroWiki by Astrodienst).
Using a mix of charts for ingresses, lunations, planetary cycles as well as countries' own "birth" charts and some traditionally associated rulerships, plus charts of national leaders, political parties and other institutions, I try to predict things from an astrological perspective over what may happen in a particular region. I will also try to use the same knowledge to try to predict things for certain sectors of economy or even certain corporate firms.
Note that astrology is not a deterministic science: in other words, it is a science of probabilities, not reproducible certainty. Astrological predictions are not guaranteed to happen. They only show the odds. In addition, the soundness of a prediction depends inordinately on the astrologer's acumen and intuition. Even the best of astrologers may fail to pick up something that is there in the chart. And the lesser beings like me may fail more often. In other words, astrology is not just a science, but it is also an art, which is why modern science, justifiably but shortsightedly, does not treat it as science. Astrology is like life itself: just like no event or state is reproducible in life, just like that afternoon when you felt in love with the whole earth can never be reproduced again, even if you may keep trying for it, it is as futile to try to "prove" astrology.
As my site is about predictions, I expect some bouquets of praise and many brickbats of condemnations, according to whenever I am seen to go right and wrong, respectively. This is but normal for any practitioner of occult sciences. In fact, being part of the job, as I am also forced to predict many unpleasant things, and given that pleasantness is rarely an event, and thus it is the unpleasant that dominates our events cycle, I would be happy to be called wrong in my predictions in many instances. At the same time, as my main motive behind creating this site is to present to the world how useful mundane astrology could be, I would not like to be proven wrong too many times simply so that astrology itself doesn't get a bad name! For, unfortunately, astrologers are judged by a different yardstick than other professionals. When a doctor makes a mistake, doesn't even understand the disease, which doctors are mostly likely to do in my experience, even after having you tested in a lab for everything under the sun, people blame the doctor, if at all, and not the medical science; yet, when an astrologer makes an error in judgement or overreach, the whole art and science of astrology is immediately castigated. But as we said, it is all like life. And life is always full of double standards. Our own psyche would not exist and we would be mere automatons if the "double standard" between our consciousness and our impressions and memories did not exist.
Now for some site-specific info.
The site's content can be divided broadly into the following categories:
- Prediction posts about regions & countries: These are seasonal (spring, summer, autumn, winter) or yearly for different regions. These will constitute the bulk of the content of the site. I do not discuss how I arrived at my conclusions in these posts, as that is not feasible to do so for want of time. To read all of these posts, you would need a Gold tier membership, while with a Silver tier membership you would be able to read only some of the posts.
- Content apart from predictions about countries: The rest of the posts on this website will consist of astrological case studies of past events (in which I go in depth into the astrological correlations of an event), astrological portraits of historical or contemporary figures or institutions, as well as charts for past and present corporate firms, political parties, etc. To read some of these posts as well, you would need a Gold tier membership.
- Financial astrology (planned for future): For lack of time, I am not yet planning to publish content on financial astrology, which is mainly about predictions of stock prices or stock index movements. If I get enough readers and thus dedicate more time to publishing here, I would add this content, which would need membership at another tier level.
Subscription choices for the site's content is divided into tiers as follows:
- Silver: Some of the content will be free to read for all. Many, but not all, seasonal or yearly prediction posts regarding the following countries will fall in the silver tier: Brazil, China, France, India, Iran, Israel, Japan, Russia, UK and US. Most of these posts will be available only to logged-in subscribers, so I encourage you to subscribe, even when you are reading them for free, rather than reading the content without subscribing.
- Gold: Subscribers to this tier would be able to access all the content published on this website, except for financial astrology: thus, all the prediction posts for a given season or year that are published here for regions and countries, as well as all the astrological case studies, posts about charts of corporate firms, political parties, etc.
- Diamond (planned for future): Subscribers to this tier would be able to access all the content published on this website, including financial astrology (predictions for stock or stock index movements, for example).